Chaplain’s Message Dear All, I am sitting at the back of church writing this …

Chaplain’s Message

Dear All,

I am sitting at the back of church writing this email 22 hours after the announcement of the death of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II. The church has been open for many hours. The television has been running tributes around the clock and here, quietly, one by one, people have been coming to pray, to light candles and to try to take in the news of the death of a much-loved monarch. She has been part of our lives, for all of our lives. She has been a committed Christian and has been supreme Governor of the Church of England for over 70 years. We all have our own memories of her and it is more than likely that a number of you may have met her. She has never faltered in her interest in meeting the public.

We are waiting for the exact time of her funeral at Westminster Abbey to be announced. Meanwhile, in the build up to that, we are marking her passing in a number of ways.

Our Church will be open for 10 days for people to pray.

The Communion on Sunday will have special prayers.

There will be a Service of Prayer and Thanksgiving for her life on Thursday 15th September at 11am.

This comes to you with my condolences,

Best wishes and prayers,


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