EverGreen Pastures Daily Readings – Shepherd’s Place Ministries

Depend on His Wisdom and Prophetic Instruction

Your skills, expertise, connections, network, etc, are blessings from God, but He didn’t intend that you rely on them alone- the just shall live by faith. You need to seek God’s counsel even in the areas of your strength- It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes. If His instruction is contrary to logic, obey it. Declare: I trust in the LORD with all my heart & don’t lean on my understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge Him & He directs my path!

Read more in today’s Evergreen devotional reading: http://shepherdsplace.com/evergreen.htm

EverGreen Pastures Daily Readings – Shepherd’s Place Ministries

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