I am a book lover. Recently I came across some recommendations of books for pare…

I am a book lover. Recently I came across some recommendations of books for parents. This Sunday, I plan (DV) to preach on the pressure of our words and I found recommendation no 3 interesting.
The books are:

1 The Duties of Parents by JC Ryle.
This short booklet is chock full of sound biblical wisdom about training up a child “in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). It was written in the early 1900s, which for me is actually a huge benefit because of my aforementioned scepticism of modern parenting advice. The chapters are short, easy to read (and reread), and so packed with quotable wisdom that about half of my copy is underlined. If you read only one parenting book in your life, read this one.

2. Don’t Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Hubbard.
This book is indispensable for training young kids, and it makes a great baby gift. It will helpe you dodge some of the traps parents of toddlers fall into (such as bribery, emotional manipulation, or counting to three before requiring them to obey). Ginger’s mantra of obeying “all the way, right away, and with a happy heart” is very helpful. Also, check out the Parenting with Ginger Hubbard podcast for practical advice and ideas.

3. I Can’t Believe You Just Said That, by Ginger Hubbard.
This practical book addresses the common verbal sins that kids (and their parents—guilty as charged) commit, like whining, complaining, and arguing. Each chapter applies Scripture to a particular sin, suggests a “heart-probing question” the parent can ask to help the child identify the sin, and discusses the sin to “put off” and the righteous behaviour to “put on,” in the vein of Colossians 3:9–12. This book will teach you to not only rebuke your kids’ wrong behaviour, but teach them what to do instead—and practice it. Along these lines, Ginger has a “Wise Words for Moms” chart to hang on your fridge as a quick reference guide, featuring 22 topics (pride, lying, complaining, etc.) with Bible verses that address each one.

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Petra de Nooy
E petra@maraprojecten.nl,
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