THIS SUNDAY, 13th November 2022 Remembrance Sunday 9.30 All Age Worship Leader…

THIS SUNDAY, 13th November 2022
Remembrance Sunday

9.30 All Age Worship
Leader: Revd Chris Nicholls
Speaker : James Heatley

10.30 Holy Communion (with Junior Church in the Hall)
President: Canon Michael Roden/ Revd Chris Nicholls
Preacher: Revd Chris Nicholls

17.00 Wellspring Praise & Prayer
Leader: Revd Jonathan Halliwell
Speaker : Revd Jonathan Halliwell

During the week:
Morning Prayer at 9.15 every Monday to Friday
Come and join us on Zoom

Wednesday : Holy Communion at 11.30

Please note the change of service time this week. This is our annual Remembrance service which starts at 10.30am (not 11am). This allows time for members of the diplomatic community to join the service and then move on to an act of Remembrance at Westduin Cemetery.

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Petra de Nooy
M 06-28306560
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M: 06-39831945
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