A Message from our Chaplain Dear All, I hope you are keeping warm! Every ti…

A Message from our Chaplain

Dear All,

I hope you are keeping warm!

Every time I have popped into the church in the last two weeks people have been practising singing or getting the church ready for a spiritual journey to Bethlehem.

We have a lovely Sunday of Carols ahead with a service for all ages at 11 called ‘On the Way to Bethlehem’ and at 7pm our traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols. Our Advent appeal for Tabitha, a wonderful project in the Holy Land is still running. Christmas live for the first time in three years.

Wrap yourselves up and come and sing you hearts out!

With best wishes and prayers

The painting is the Adoration of the Magi by Rubens in Kings College Chapel, Cambridge

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HUB – Geloof in Den Haag is een netwerk van internationale en migrantenkerken, dat wordt
ondersteund door Stichting Mara.
De HUB wordt mogelijk gemaakt door subsidie van de gemeente Den Haag en giften van diverse fondsen, waaronder Fonds 1818, PIN namens de Nederlandse
religieuzen, de Diocesane Caritas Instelling, Stichting Rotterdam en de Maatschappij voor Welstand.


Petra de Nooy
E petra@maraprojecten.nl
M 06-28306560
Liesbeth Kanis
E liesbeth@maraprojecten.nl
M 06-36100750

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