Mission Partner Spotlight – Healthy Vine The Healthy Vine (HV) has been quite b…

Mission Partner Spotlight – Healthy Vine

The Healthy Vine (HV) has been quite busy in Uganda. During the peak of covid, our field workers and team in The Netherlands introduced Covid precaution procedures for the rural villages of Kiteme and Sekumuli in Central Uganda. When the Covid vaccine became available the HV coordinated distribution for those unable to travel the long distance to the vaccination centers. Fortunately, with the HV’s support, covid infections have remained low in our programme area.

In 2021 the HV’s support expanded with the establishment of Healthy Vine e.V in Germany. They funded the recently completed building of teacher’s accommodation for Mputte Primary School in 2022.The teachers are thankful to have their own residences, rather than staying with families in the district.

Jay Dennett of the HV, recently left for Uganda to meet with local H.V. team to review ongoing projects. The construction of a 3 classroom block, is planned, to meet the increasing demand and bringing the total to 8 classrooms. He looks forward to providing an update when he returns.

What’s ahead? Besides our ongoing projects, the HV will continue working with the local community to improve health and sanitation, adopt more villages into the programme providing water boreholes in the area which is in a swamp area with no rivers or lakes but fortunately an aquafer some 45 meters under the area.

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HUB – Geloof in Den Haag is een netwerk van internationale en migrantenkerken, dat wordt
ondersteund door Stichting Mara.
De HUB wordt mogelijk gemaakt door subsidie van de gemeente Den Haag en giften van diverse fondsen, waaronder Fonds 1818, PIN namens de Nederlandse
religieuzen, de Diocesane Caritas Instelling, Stichting Rotterdam en de Maatschappij voor Welstand.


Petra de Nooy
E petra@maraprojecten.nl,
M 06-28306560
Shirleni Blanken
B: shirleni@maraprojecten.nl
M: 06-39831945
Andréa Damacena Martins
E hub@maraprojecten.nl
M 06-36100750

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