MORE Services to begin again… Holy Communion at 08:30 As our church life is b…

MORE Services to begin again…

Holy Communion at 08:30
As our church life is becoming livelier and fuller again after Covid, it is time to re-introduce a (spoken) service of Holy Communion at 08:30 on Sunday mornings. This will be trialled throughout the four Sundays of the Advent season. This quiet, simple service is perfect for those wishing a small, contemplative service of Holy Communion.

Ministry of Annointing for Healing
Beginning on Wednesday, 7th December, and continuing on the first Wednesday of each month, there will be an opportunity at the Wednesday service of Holy Communion (11:30am) for the Laying on of Hands and Annointing for Healing. You may wish to come for yourself, or on behalf of someone you care about. Special prayers will be said for those in need of healing, in body, mind, spirit, or circumstance. As always, we also encourage you to speak to any member of the Ministry Team should you wish for some time of private prayer.

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HUB – Geloof in Den Haag is een netwerk van internationale en migrantenkerken, dat wordt
ondersteund door Stichting Mara.
De HUB wordt mogelijk gemaakt door subsidie van de gemeente Den Haag en giften van diverse fondsen, waaronder Fonds 1818, PIN namens de Nederlandse
religieuzen, de Diocesane Caritas Instelling, Stichting Rotterdam en de Maatschappij voor Welstand.

Petra de Nooy
M 06-28306560
Shirleni Blanken
M: 06-39831945
Andréa Damacena Martins
M 06-36100750

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