Only a couple of days until Christmas – what a joy to celebrate the birth of Jes…

Only a couple of days until Christmas – what a joy to celebrate the birth of Jesus! Here is an UPDATE how you can join in:

(24 December – 18:30 Zoom Meeting) – this Friday we’d love to celebrate the birth of Jesus by gathering digitally with one another at 18:30 on Zoom via This will be a time to praise Jesus, read Scripture, listen to stories and wish each other a Merry Christmas. (The password for this meeting has been sent out via an email yesterday -if you have not received this, please send us an email to .

(24 December – 15:00 City Centre Office, St. Jakobsstraat 131)
We love to share the good news of Jesus with the people in our city. Join us in sharing the love of Jesus this Friday afternoon, 24 December between 15:00 and 17:00. We will hand out flyers that explain the meaning of Christmas and it is our desire to offer people the opportunity to come to Christ this Christmas. Sign-up to let us know you are joining here. (This will be happening outside in the city in groups of 2.)

There is NO church service on the 26th of December.

The first service of the new year will be on Sunday the 2nd of January, live streamed from the Nieuwe Kerk. Join us on Sundays via our Youtube channel and keep a look out for emails from us and/or our website with updated information.

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HUB – Geloof in Den Haag is een netwerk van internationale en migrantenkerken, dat wordt
ondersteund door Stichting Mara.
De HUB wordt mogelijk gemaakt door subsidie van de gemeente Den Haag en giften van diverse fondsen, waaronder Fonds 1818, PIN namens de Nederlandse
religieuzen, de Diocesane Caritas Instelling, Stichting Rotterdam en de Maatschappij voor Welstand.

Petra de Nooy
M 06-28306560
Shirleni Blanken
M: 06-39831945
Andréa Damacena Martins
M 06-36100750

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