Welcome to the 3 days of prayer & fasting. It’s going to be a time seeking the …

Welcome to the 3 days of prayer & fasting.
It’s going to be a time seeking the face of God.
We will be meeting at 7pm in the evening for prayer. And at 5am in the morning the youths will be praying.

Tuesday 1st – Thursday 3rd November 2022


Scripture: Exodus17:15-16

Prayer Points
Take sometime to dedicate yourself to this prayer and fasting time.
-Invite the Holy Spirit to help your fast.
-Consecrate yourself with the blood of Jesus.
-Break out into worship unto the Lord.

1) Prayer for

Pray Father I come before you today and I ask that you help me heal from every place in my heart that harbors unforgiveness.
I release every person from my heart that I have been hurt by and I ask that
you allow peace, love and joy to come into my heart. I ask that you make me
whole and that no bitterness and any form of anger that would try to creep into my heart be released and broken in the name of Jesus!

2) Prayers to Break Double-Mindedness:
Declare I bind and rebuke every spirit that
would attempt to distort, disturb, or
disintegrate the development of my personality in the name of Jesus. I break all curses of schizophrenia and double-mindedness on my family in
the name of Jesus.
I bind and rebuke the spirit of double-mindedness in the name of Jesus (Jas. 1:8).
I bind and take authority over the strongmen of rejection and
rebellion and separate them in the name of Jesus

Coperate prayer time in zoom
5am in the morning.

7pm in the evening.

Have a blessed time praying & fasting.

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Lees hier vorige edities

HUB – Geloof in Den Haag is een netwerk van internationale en migrantenkerken, dat wordt
ondersteund door Stichting Mara.
De HUB wordt mogelijk gemaakt door subsidie van de gemeente Den Haag en giften van diverse fondsen, waaronder Fonds 1818, PIN namens de Nederlandse
religieuzen, de Diocesane Caritas Instelling, Stichting Rotterdam en de Maatschappij voor Welstand.


Petra de Nooy
E petra@maraprojecten.nl,
M 06-28306560
Shirleni Blanken
B: shirleni@maraprojecten.nl
M: 06-39831945
Andréa Damacena Martins
E hub@maraprojecten.nl
M 06-36100750

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